Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Rev. Daybree Thoms

“Welcoming the Unwelcome…continued” with Rev. Daybree Thoms

This week Sunday, January 31, at 11:000 am, we delve further into the work of Pema Chodron and her practices of connecting us to our world, especially when our natural tendency might be to shrink back in times of turbulence and uncertainty, in self-preservation.

We are told that this approach never works and only serves to distance, isolate, and disconnect us from our incredibly rich world and rich lives.
Earlier this month we were introduced to the 3-step practice to not only remain connected, but to increase our connection,to heal ourselves, and to heal humanity.
Join us as we consider simple practices to not only increase our sense of connection, but to awaken our hearts and change thinking patterns which do not serve us. 

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Facemasks please and social distancing are required. We check temperatures and have excellent sanitizers at our entrances. Unity of the Keys is a place of healing prayer!
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