Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Spirit Dance Workshop with Katharine Doughty

Spirit Dance with Katharine Doughty

Non-guided, freeform movement sessions featuring a changing, genre-hopping, primarily instrumental music set and a supportive environment.

Those new or wanting more guidance are welcome to come at 5:30pm. Warm-up/arrival starting at 5:50 pm. No arrival after 6:15, please.

No previous movement or dance training is required. Adults 18 and over. Alcohol, substance, and scent-free, please. Barefoot, socks, or clean dance footwear are encouraged.

All abilities/philosophies/traditions are welcome! 

In-person workshop at Unity of the Keys, 1011 Virginia St.

Suggested Love offering of $15 to $25 is gladly accepted, but no one is turned away.


Katharine Doughty has been an artist and somatic practitioner for 35 years including chi gong, massage therapy, post-modern dance, meditation, science, and spirituality. Having a long relationship with her own creativity and healing processes and the multimodal approach to both, she is honored to guide and witness others. She is a certified Tamalpa practitioner trained by field pioneers Anna and Daria Halprin and ISMETA registered somatic-based expressive arts educator and therapist. Offerings are not a substitute for medical or behavioral health attention.