Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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White Stone Ceremony

Join us Sunday, January 14th at 11:00 a.m. as Rev. Daybree Thoms guides us through the White Stone Ceremony.

During the previous week’s Burning Bowl Ceremony and “No Mud No Lotus” lesson, we released all that does not serve our Highest Good. During the White Stone Ceremony, we reinvent ourselves anew by choosing a new name or intention for ourselves in the New Year.

The tradition of the White Stone is taken from the biblical story of Abram and Sarai. When they made their connection with the Divine, God gave them each a new name, Abraham and Sarah, signifying a change in consciousness.

In biblical times a name was a very sacred thing. Choosing a name, word of inspiration, or wish and writing it on the white stone becomes a powerful symbol of who you have become. 

The white stone you will hold and write upon comes from Israel. With our stone and a new name, we free ourselves to live more fully on a path to greater insights and awareness of who we are. Look at the stone and meditate upon it all during the year.

You may join us either in the sanctuary on January 8, or participate at  We have white stones available at the service, in the church office, or outside in the courtyard for pickup.

Contact the church for more information.