Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Sunday, May 19, 2024 – “A Ninth Inning Kind of Wind”

Pastor Lee will reflect upon the gift of the Holy Spirit as displayed in Pentecost.

Sometimes, we run out of energy, and the Spirit comes along in ways we may not even know.

About Pastor Lee Johnson:
Pastor Lee served as a United Methodist pastor, primarily in the Kansas City area, where he and his husband, David, owned and operated a bed and breakfast in one of the city’s entertainment districts. They also have two dogs, two grandchildren, and two sons, all living in the KC area, a life blessing, indeed.
Since last September, Pastor Lee has served as pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Key West. This is another one of those “things” he counts as a blessing, as is the opportunity to share with Unity Key West!
Pastor Lee is a midwestern kind of person, but the island of Key West Island warms his soul.

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