Join us Sundays at 11 AM
1011 Virginia St. Key West, FL
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Medicine Wheel Activation Workshop

Medicine Wheel Activation Workshop with Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer

On Sunday, October 1st at 1 PM

  • Shamanic Journey through the Four Directions 

An invitation for you to connect our human perception of linear time & space with the spiral reality of the soul’s journey. The medicine of the Four Directions will be activated in your energetic body.

Shannon and Bob’s guidance combines spiritual, shamanic, & metaphysical wisdom that launches passionate & active transformation.

$35 Suggested Love Offering

Video of Medicine Wheel Activation Workshop…

Shannon Plummer is a shamanic practitioner, coach, singer, and speaker. She weaves the ancient energy work of the Shaman with the modern skills of a board-certified coach into a cohesive approach for those seeking a catalyst for their healing and personal growth journey.

Bob Sima – a musician, mystic, and teacher – is to music what Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle are to books and Rumi is to poetry. He has been called “Eckhart Tolle with a guitar”. He is a troubadour, a guide, and a musical mystic offering the soundtrack to your inner work.